7 Rustic Hill Road, Glocester, RI 02857
Phone: 401-647-4106 Fax: 401-647-4107
Special Education Director - Brad Wilson ([email protected])
Assistant Special Education Director - Kyle Santos ([email protected])
Administrative Assistant (Finance/Medicaid): - Melissa Dalpe ([email protected])
Secretary (Census) - Sharon Bowden ([email protected])
Early Intervention/Child Outreach Coordinator - ([email protected]) (647-7560)
Transition Facilitator (Secondary) - Nicole Miale ([email protected]) (401-647-9050)
LAC Information - Contact the Special Education office for dates/times of meetings (401-647-4106)
The Northwest Special Education Region services four school districts in the Northwest part of Rhode Island: Foster, Foster-Glocester Regional, Glocester and Scituate.
The mission and policies of the Northwest Special Education Region is to provide support services to students and their families:
- Develop, coordinate, and enhance efforts to promote collaboration between general and special education teachers to improve the performance of students with disabilities.
- Recommend programs, develop professional development opportunities and coordinate and monitor the implementation of scientifically research-based interventions and strategies.
- Provide ongoing monitoring of programs and services to ensure the provision of a free and appropriate public education for students with disabilities as required by state and federal mandates.
- Behavioral supports
- Child Outreach Program is a free service sponsored by RIDE. The program screens 3-5 year olds, provides families with information about their child’s development and offers information about other resources that are available in the community.
- Coordination of regional programs for low incidence populations
- Early Intervention Program
- Extended School Year program (ESY) – special education and related services provided beyond the regular 180-day school year determined by the evaluation team.
- Adaptive Physical Education (APE) services
- Occupational Therapy services (OT) services
- Physical Therapy (OT) services
- Professional development opportunities
- Project JOBS training for IEP students to help integrate them into the work force upon graduation from school
- Transition services for IEP students from school to a career
Learning Disabilities (LD) - [email protected]
Medicaid programs (Katie Beckett) -
R.I. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development - [email protected]
Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) -
R.I. Parent Information Network -
Rhode Island Technical Assistance Project (RITAP) -
5/2013 updated 10/2017 update 2/2/2024